There are a lot of benefits of acquiring US citizenship through naturalization. Once you have become a United States citizen, you have opportunity to apply for certain federal jobs that are not available to aliens or even to permanent residents. You are entitled to carry American passport that eliminates the requirement of obtaining visa for many countries around the world. Also, you’re not faced with the fear of deportation in case of a subsequent criminal conviction.

Permanent residents who have residency for more than 5 years are eligible to apply for naturalization if they meet certain criteria such as limited duration of the stay outside the country for last 5 years, filing of income taxes, and having no major criminal offenses in their past.
A US resident who has obtained permanent residence through marriage to a US citizen is eligible to apply for citizenship after 3 years of permanent residency if he /she is still married to the same US citizen through which the permanent residence was acquired and he/she can establish the marriage is still intact and the couple is still living together.
We have experience in dealing with the cases that are complicated due applicant’s substantial periods of absence from the United States, and in making sure individuals married to U.S. citizens receive the special treatment to which they are entitled. We have also helped many individuals in establishing their claim to U.S. citizenship based on their parents or grandparents and have defended individuals who were on the verge of losing their citizenship cases based on criminal convictions.
If any need assistance to pursue your case to acquire citizenship through naturalization please contact our office by calling: